Short Fable Story: Green Paddy and Yellow Paddy
It is a short fable story with moral lesson presented by FableFantasy.Com. You can read this free online fable fiction. It reminds us to be humble.
Green Paddy and Yellow Paddy
“The wind blows and I wave my body. My dance attracts many farmers. Nobody can dance beautifully like me. I have sweetest voice in this field. Mine is better than ugly frog’s voice,” said Green Paddy.
Then, he whistled a romantic song and waved his leaf blades and body.
Green Paddy looked at Yellow Paddy, who was bowing lowly, beside him.
“Lowly Yellow Paddy, you always make a low bow because I’m better than you. I stand strong and you are powerless,” Green Paddy mocked Yellow Paddy.
“Just keep your big mouth for yourself! You are boastful because you don’t know the truth. Paddies like him are more attractive than you are,” said Brown Frog.
“How can someone with his posture attract people?” Green Paddy laughed at the frog.
From a hill, a farmer with conical bamboo hat walked closer toward them.
“Let’s see! Mr. Farmer must be interested in Yellow Paddy,” said Brown Frog.
“Are you sure? I bet he will come to me. I’m handsome and strong,” said Green Paddy.
“Guys, quarrel only wastes your energy,” Yellow Paddy interrupted.
“You are right, Yellow. We don’t need to quarrel because I’m the most charming plant in this field. Mr. Farmer will choose me,” said Green Paddy.
“Let him choose! We don’t need to compete,” said Yellow Paddy.
“You avoid the competition between us. Are you afraid, aren’t you?” said Green Paddy.
Yellow Paddy did not say anything. He just smiled.
The farmer stood in front of them. Then, he touched bowing Yellow Paddy.
“Hi, Mr. Farmer, look at me! I’m handsome, charming, strong, and attractive. He’s weak. He always makes a low bow because he has no energy,” Green Paddy protested.
“Friend, don’t you know that a paddy is bowing because it has its filled out grains. Yellow Paddy looks very promising. He has something inside him — something, which he can contribute to people. The more filled out he is; the lower he bow. Wise person is always low profile,” said Mr. Farmer, smiling at Green Paddy.[]YWP
This short fable story is written by YW Purnomosidhi a,k,a Mas Wahyu Didik. You can find his Facebook: Yohanes Wahyu Purnomosidhi. He loves fable writing. He is one of the writers of stempunk stories and Historical Lovecraft stories.

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