Motivational Short Story: Alex and the Mold
Read this short review of one of motivational short stories before you read a fable story titled Alex and the Mold.
Have you ever failed to reach your goal? Have you ever made a mistake? If the answers are yes, congratulation! From the experiences of failure and mistake, you have opportunities to learn from them to be the best you. Almost everyone has experience of failure or making a mistake. It’s human.
It’s like a coffee. It’s bitter and not delicious for those who do not know how to enjoy it. In every failure, open up your heart and mind, be aware of something that you can learn.
Sometimes, you find something that you are not looking for. If you open up your heart and mind, it may be something meaningful. Many inventions and discoveries have been found through meaningful coincidence or synchronicity. Columbus found a new world. Marcopolo introduced spaghetti. Alexander Fleming invented Penicillin.

A fable story, titled Alex and the Mold, is fabelized version of Alexander Fleming’s experience when he invented Penicillin. Not all elements in this fable are true. Alexander Fleming or Alex really existed in history. However, non-human talking characters, like microscopes or colony of the moulds, are fictional. In real life, they can’t talk. They talk as anthropomorphism of objects which may reflect inner self talk in Alex’s mind.
Fable flash fiction, titled Alex and the Mold, is inspiring short story.
Read this full motivation short story.

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