Short Fable Story: Little Capuchin and Orangutan
None of us is as smart as all of us.
It happened to little Capuchin and old Orangutan.
Short Fable Story: Little Capuchin and Orangutan Crossing the Road
At noon, a little capuchin stood under the side of the road near the hill. His friends left him alone after they had searched some foods in the hill. In the morning, the road had been quiet but at noon, many vehicles went back and forth over the street because it was the way to link two provinces. That day was first time for Little Capuchin to cross the street by himself. You know how you feel when you face the obstacle without friend, don’t you? You know how you feel when the first time you do something risky, don’t you?
Little Capuchin hesitated to move his first step to cross the road because he was afraid of the vehicles, which may hit him. He prayed, prayed, and prayed.
God answered his prayer. He saw old female Orangutan who probably wanted to cross the road. She looked at him and Little Capuchin walked to her.
“Perhaps, the old orangutan wants to help me to cross the read,” Little Capuchin said to himself.
“You want to cross this road, don’t you?” Old Orangutan asked Little Capuchin.
Little Capuchin nodded his head. He thought he was lucky because he found someone who wanted to help him to cross the road.
Old Orangutan gave her right hand and then Little Capuchin held her hand with his left hand. Holding hand, they were walking together carefully, crossing the road. Trucks, cars, and motorbikes slowed down their speed to give Orangutan and Little Capuchin opportunity to cross and then, they arrived at the other side of the road successfully.
“Thank you!” Old Orangutan said, smiling at Little Capuchin.
“Did you say thank to me? Why did you say thank?” Little Capuchin asked.
He thought he was supposed to say thank to Old Orangutan because she had helped him to cross the road.
“You are a good kid. You have helped old woman like me to cross the road.” Old Orangutan smiled at him.
“So, she asked me to cross the road. I thought she offered me help to take me across. So, unintentionally, we helped each other. She thought I helped her and I thought she helped me,” Little Capuchin said to himself.
They felt security when they were together. Their togetherness raised the brave and confidence spirits in them.
Japanese proverb says: “None of us is as smart as all of us.”
The End
YW Purnomosidhi alias Mas Wahyu Didik, the author of this short fable fiction, wrote this story by modifying his childhood experience when he crossed the road. He was the Little Capuchin and an old lady was the Orangutan.

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