The Giraffe’s Story: Too Tall for Opportunity – Fable Fantasy



The Giraffe’s Story: Too Tall for Opportunity

The Giraffe’s Story: Ms. Girrafin was Too Tall for Opportunity

“Opportunity is nowhere?” or “Opportunity is now here?”

Once there lived a female giraffe, called Ms. Girrafin. She was wallking slowly. Her stomach was rumbling and saw nothing to eat.

“Oh, no food here. There’s nothing to eat,” she said.

Her pale face looked hungry. She did not know that someone was watching her.

“Hi, are you ok?” Mr. Mousedeer asked earnestly.

“I’m hungry but I see no food here. Opportunity is nowhere,” Ms. Girrafin said.       

“What do you eat mainly?” Mr. Mousedeer asked.

“Leaves,” she answered.

Mr. Mousedeer saw that Ms. Girrafin was the tallest animal and he realized something.

“You don’t see any food because you are  looking something high only,” said Mr. Mousedeer.

“That’s because  I am too tall.”

“Look something high and low. Opportunity is now  here.  Look!” Mr Mousedeer said, pointing to the grass.

Short Story About Giraffes

Then, Ms. Giraffin saw the grass. She was bowing and eating the grass.

The End

This short fable story is written by YW Purnomosidhi.


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